short story, metaverse, music, gaming, multisensory concert anne mckinnon short story, metaverse, music, gaming, multisensory concert anne mckinnon


This is a SHORT STORY. We often get asked ‘what will the future of music look like in the metaverse?’, and ‘what is a multisensory concert?’. It’s one of those things you need to experience, that’s when see the light in people’s eyes ‘I get it!”. With our indie roots, sometimes we’ll share ideas in less conventional ways like this short story today. It can be easier to show rather than tell as we’re talking about a future that is only just beginning to emerge. Enjoy the story, and drop us comments with your thoughts:

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Metaverse, Technology, Data, Ethics anne mckinnon Metaverse, Technology, Data, Ethics anne mckinnon


The metaverse: what it might be and who’s going to make it. In this blog post we do a deep dive into how the metaverse may emerge and what it might look like. Infrastructures and principles that exist in the 2D metaverse are likely to take up residency in the 3D metaverse.

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